Some people have the negative notion that owning student credit cards lead to bad credit. This is because many students have been prone to credit card debt and some have even resulted to bankruptcy. But owning student credit cards doesn’t have to be a bane if you can avoid these student credit card mistakes listed here:
Signing up for the first college credit card you see. There are many college credit cards to choose from but most often than not, a student simply signs up for the first offer he or she receives. You may have received an attractive credit card from your mail or email. But when applying for your first credit card, you should do all the necessary research about the details and terms of your chosen card. If not, it is possible for you to get stuck with a student credit card that imposes unreasonable rates and charges.
Using up your credit limit in full. This is another common mistake that students make. Every credit card holder is given his own credit limit which he can use when using his credit card. However, this doesn’t mean you should maximize the entire allowable credit limit you are given. You should be aware that maximizing your credit limit leads to penalty charges and increased in rates in your account.
Not paying your bills on time. A student credit card debt is meant to be paid off on or before its due date. Untimely submission of payments is the number one cause why many students fall prey to bad debt. As a student credit card holder, you should always be aware of your payments and religiously keep up with them. In addition to this, untimely payment creates a negative impact on your credit report. Therefore, in order to maintain an excellent credit standing, you should never allow delays or misses in your credit card payment.
Using your student credit card on all your expenses. Credit cards for students are supposed to help you with your school expenses especially during inconvenient times. But this doesn’t mean you should get in the habit of using your student credit card for paying restaurant bills each time you eat out or when partying with friends. When you own a credit card, you should be more aware and responsible in how and where you spend your money. Bear in mind that everything you spent using your credit card is a debt that must be paid on time.
Not taking care of your student credit card. Another mistake that students often commit is being too careless in handling their cards. Leaving your credit card where other people can easily access it or copy the details such as your student credit card number puts you at great risk of fraud. Many students have obtained unauthorized charges in their credit without their knowledge because they have failed to be more cautious with the use of their student credit cards. If you own a college credit card, you must be more vigilant in handling it.
Signing up for the first college credit card you see. There are many college credit cards to choose from but most often than not, a student simply signs up for the first offer he or she receives. You may have received an attractive credit card from your mail or email. But when applying for your first credit card, you should do all the necessary research about the details and terms of your chosen card. If not, it is possible for you to get stuck with a student credit card that imposes unreasonable rates and charges.
Using up your credit limit in full. This is another common mistake that students make. Every credit card holder is given his own credit limit which he can use when using his credit card. However, this doesn’t mean you should maximize the entire allowable credit limit you are given. You should be aware that maximizing your credit limit leads to penalty charges and increased in rates in your account.
Not paying your bills on time. A student credit card debt is meant to be paid off on or before its due date. Untimely submission of payments is the number one cause why many students fall prey to bad debt. As a student credit card holder, you should always be aware of your payments and religiously keep up with them. In addition to this, untimely payment creates a negative impact on your credit report. Therefore, in order to maintain an excellent credit standing, you should never allow delays or misses in your credit card payment.
Using your student credit card on all your expenses. Credit cards for students are supposed to help you with your school expenses especially during inconvenient times. But this doesn’t mean you should get in the habit of using your student credit card for paying restaurant bills each time you eat out or when partying with friends. When you own a credit card, you should be more aware and responsible in how and where you spend your money. Bear in mind that everything you spent using your credit card is a debt that must be paid on time.
Not taking care of your student credit card. Another mistake that students often commit is being too careless in handling their cards. Leaving your credit card where other people can easily access it or copy the details such as your student credit card number puts you at great risk of fraud. Many students have obtained unauthorized charges in their credit without their knowledge because they have failed to be more cautious with the use of their student credit cards. If you own a college credit card, you must be more vigilant in handling it.