Sunday, January 29, 2012

Back To School Internet Safety Tips For Parents

Now that children will be back to class and have schoolwork, their time spent online significantly increases along with patterned and predictable times they access the Internet. Online predators, cyberbullies and cyberstalkers prepare themselves for what they hope will be another year of unsuspecting groups of vulnerable, discouraged and high risk taking children. In addition to online adult predators, children and teens who are cyberbullies and cyberstalkers will fill cyberspace looking to taunt and harass their peers.

For proactive parents who plan to practice & institute Internet safety, I've compiled a checklist & tips to help ensure all your bases are covered. The list provided is a quick injection of internet safety awareness. I hope my checklist helps insulate your child from abuse and leads to a safe and enjoyable school year.

iPredator: A child or adult who engages in psychological and/or physical victimization of others motivated by; peer acceptance, malice, spite and criminal or deviant drives using digital communications technology, telecommunications or mobile devices. continue reading

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