Use your student credit card with care. Your student credit card is supposed to provide assistance with your studies. Unfortunately, many students abuse the ease and convenience of paying with student credit cards which results to debt problems. Remember that each time you charge something to your student credit card, it is your duty to pay it back on time.
Not submitting your credit card payments on time or in full can cause you to incur high interest fees and late penalty charges. Therefore, before using your student credit card, ask yourself, “Is this purchase or expense really important for my studies?”. “Will I be able to pay it back in full before my due date ends?”
Get a part time job to cover for your personal expenses. Some students get a part time job while in college earn extra money to help them with their studies. A part time job also enables these students to pay off their student loans even while studying. This way, they wouldn’t be in so much debt when they graduate college.
Budget your monthly expenses. Even if you have a student loan and a student credit card to help you with your expenses, it is only wise to create a monthly budget plan and stick with it. How much do you need to spend for the whole month both for your studies and personal needs? If you have limited cash, you may need to make adjustments on your lifestyle instead of charging everything to your student credit card.
Don’t wait for things to go from worse to worst. If you notice that you’re having a difficult time budgeting your money and keeping up with your debts, don’t be afraid to get help. Seek advice from a legitimate credit counseling agency. A credit counselor should be able to help you manage your money efficiently and overcome debt problems.
Nevertheless, it’s important to make sure that you’re seeking help from the right credit counseling agency. Some credit counseling services may offer you false help or unnecessary advices that can worsen your debt problems.
Pay your student credit card balance in full each month. You may be tempted to pay only the minimum payment on your student credit card but this also means incurring high interest rates and would take you a longer time to complete your payments.
Paying off your credit card balance completely each month is crucial in overcoming and staying away from debt. This habit protects you from additional interest rate charges and late penalty fees. It also minimizes the risk of building up debts in your account. More importantly, it keeps your credit score and credit history in excellent standing.
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