Many credit card companies see the marketing potential in college students. Credit card companies use promotional offers and free gifts like t-shirts, coffee mugs, or CDs to entice students on signing up for their company.
Have you ever asked why? Loyalty is a good reason. Credit card companies are competing to be the first credit card that the student will own. By being their first credit card, it is very likely that even when they graduate from college and enter the corporate world, students will be upgrading their credit cards with the same credit card company.
Students are Big Spenders
Aside from this, college students are great spenders. Let’s face it, credit card companies love customers who spend much using their credit cards. The more a person uses his credit card, the better it is for the business. And students are usually prone to over spending or using their credit cards excessively not just for their school necessities but on luxuries as well.
Despite the fact that college students are still in school and most do not have stable jobs to finance them, credit card companies are still doing everything to encourage these students on obtaining a student credit cards. Furthermore, credit card companies are encouraging students to use their credit cards as often as they can.
Read Full Article: Why do credit card companies target College Students