A lot of college students are excited about acquiring their first credit cards. Despite the ease and convenience that credit card brings, it is very important to learn how to handle a student credit card properly. Reports show that a lot of college students graduate with unpaid debts on their account. They have used their student credit cards without control and have put themselves in a difficult situation.
Credit Card Companies Pursue Students
It is interesting to note that some financial experts believe that credit card companies view students as a very lucrative market. Students have the tendency to spend more not only for their school necessities but for other things as well.
Regardless of the fact that college students do not have stable jobs to support them, credit card companies still pursue them as profitable customers. Why? Because even though they cannot pay their debts on a timely manner, credit card companies can still charge them with extra fees such as annual fees, penalties for late payment, penalties for exceeding credit limit, and higher interest rates.
Read full article: Teaching Students About Credit SecurityCredit Card Companies Pursue Students
It is interesting to note that some financial experts believe that credit card companies view students as a very lucrative market. Students have the tendency to spend more not only for their school necessities but for other things as well.
Regardless of the fact that college students do not have stable jobs to support them, credit card companies still pursue them as profitable customers. Why? Because even though they cannot pay their debts on a timely manner, credit card companies can still charge them with extra fees such as annual fees, penalties for late payment, penalties for exceeding credit limit, and higher interest rates.
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